All the articles I've posted.
Rails GraphQL authentication from scratch #2
Published: at 12:00 AMHow to create GraphQL authentication from scratch without devise gem. Part 2
Rails GraphQL authentication from scratch #1
Published: at 12:00 AMHow to create GraphQL authentication from scratch without devise gem. Part 1
How do I fight with burnout
Published: at 08:24 PMHow do I fight with professional burnout and depression
Perks, grants and discounts for startups
Published: at 08:24 PMMy collection of grants and discounts for early-stage companies
Rapid prototyping with pico.css or milligram.css for backend developers
Published: at 06:34 PMHow to use pico.css or milligram.css with rails to create fast prototypes
Running ruby on jupyter notebooks
Published: at 03:57 PMHow to run ruby code in jupyter notebooks
Rails scaffold templates
Published: at 12:00 AMHow to create templates for rails g scaffold command - controllers, views, tests
Product development guide #1
Published: at 03:57 PMFirst article in the serie how to manage development processes
Custom error pages in rails applications
Published: at 12:00 AMHow to create custom error pages to preview them in development mode
Better builds with earthly
Published: at 12:00 AMHow to use earthly as an alternative for Docker and Makefile